Call for proposals: Art Writing Publication


What can you receive?
£250 fee


27 April 2023

Multistory is inviting proposals for the first issue of a new publication of art and experimental writing by artists based in Sandwell and the Black Country.

For this first issue we invite you to explore your experience as an artist within Sandwell and the Black Country, the creative community and support systems based there, and / or creative responses to the region’s stories, histories, socio-political conditions. This is a broad theme, so we invite creative responses that may tie in with your own practice or research.

The fee is £250, with a max word count of 1,200. The publication will be printed in riso, and single colour visuals can be submitted alongside text. The publication will be printed in late 2023 / early 2024. We are accepting applications from artists currently based in, or who have a strong relationship to, Sandwell and the Black Country only.

Access: we will tailor the process of working together according to any access requirements you may have, in order to best support you to participate in this opportunity.

Submitting your proposal: Please fill in the form, with a proposal of maximum 300 words and examples of your work.

You can also apply by sending us a video or audio clip of up to 3 minutes long, by emailing

If you’d like to talk with someone in the team before you apply or tell us if we can do anything to make the application and/or the selection process more accessible for you, please use the same email address above.

The deadline for proposals is Thursday 27 April. 

Got an opportunity?