Networks Funding

Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy

What can you receive?


24 November 2023

At Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy, we’re offering core financial support to fundraising groups and networks across England to support them to grow and thrive. Our funding will contribute to the development of new training events, conferences, seminars and meetings, with the aim of strengthening arts fundraising skills and building robust partnerships across the sector.

What is it?

At Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy, we work to empower arts and cultural professionals by supporting them to develop their practice and find creative, new approaches to fundraising. We believe that collaboration is a powerful tool for stimulating innovation, sharing ideas, building knowledge and developing new skills. Our Networks Funding aims to achieve exactly that.

We offer core financial support to fundraising groups or networks across England to support them to grow and thrive. Our funding will contribute to the development of new training events, conferences, seminars or meetings, with the aim of strengthening arts fundraising skills and building robust partnerships across the sector.

What we can fund 

We are able to fund both virtual and in person events, understanding the important role of both accessible online opportunities and real-world connections. Organisations and groups can apply for support to cover any relevant expenditure for an event or activity to take place between December 2023 and March 2024:

  • Up to a maximum of £2,500 for any single event, or group of events, benefitting a community of people, who are either freelancers or staff from at least five different arts, cultural or heritage organisations. The funding can cover the costs of co-ordination, participants’ travel costs, venue hire, catering and speakers/guests.
  • Up to a maximum of £1,000 for entirely virtual activity, to cover the cost of software, administration or external training support. Virtual activity must benefit a minimum of ten people.

We will prioritise support to networks and groups that have not previously received funding from Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy. However, we will accept proposals from those that we have previously supported that would like to do something different or expand their reach in some way.

We are looking to support a diverse range of events tackling key issues within the current fundraising environment. As such, we have identified the following priority areas that we have a particular interest in:

  • Exploring practical support and approaches that respond to the cost of living crisis
  • Exploring ways to support the wellbeing and resilience of arts fundraisers
  • Exploring place-based fundraising, especially around Arts Council England Priority and Levelling Up for Culture Places
  • Exploring the effective recruitment and retention of fundraisers and diversifying fundraising teams
  • To enhance knowledge of green fundraising strategies and how cultural fundraising can play a part in supporting the environmental agenda

We also welcome applications for projects working in other areas where groups are able to demonstrate how the activity will support arts fundraising practice, or where there are other urgent needs for your community and the wider sector.

We strongly believe in supporting established groups to access funds, and as such will fund unconstituted networks, i.e., those not linked to an established organisation.

Application Process

If you would like to apply for this round of Networks, please email your proposal to Annie Jarvis at to reach us by email no later than 12.00pm (noon) on 24th November 2023.

Got an opportunity?