Theatre Centre
What can you receive?
£30,000 pro rata
6 March 2023
The Touring Producer will be responsible for producing all aspects of the production and will be the main point of liaison for internal and external colleagues, venues etc. The Producer reports directly to the Executive Director/CEO but also works closely with the Artistic Director.
You will be responsible for tour booking (with support) and line producing our school and venue tours from pre-commission through to rehearsal and tour. You will work alongside the Future Makers Producer and Programme & Admin Co-ordinator to align and integrate all of the work we make.
Job Title: Touring Producer
Reports to: Artistic Dirctor and Executive Director/CEO
Line manager: Executive Director/CEO
Responsible for: Freelancers and work experience placements
Salary: £30,000 pro rata*
Contract type: 1-Year Fixed Term, 3 days a week
* Pro-rata means your part-time salary will be calculated based on this as a full-time figure
Weʼre offering a zoom drop-in Q&A session for any question you may have about Theatre Centre and about the role. Book your place HERE.
More info including how to apply on the website