Applecart Arts Takeover

Applecart Arts

What can you receive?
Mentoring, space and support


7 April 2023

Applecart Arts are releasing a week’s worth of our Theatre’s time from 22nd May 2023 for an individual or company to take over the space, and programme an enticing week’s worth of events, activities and/or performances.

You’ll get mentorship, technical and marketing support from the Applecart team, and you’re encouraged to really think outside the box as to what you’d like to do.

We’ll be doing this on a straight box office split between you and us. Our Theatre is a 52 seat space with a small tiered seating bank. The capacity can be expanded to 60 seats by adding a row of seats in front of the bank, but that in turn reduces the stage space. We are extremely well stocked technically (Tech Specs available on request), boasting high quality lighting, audio and video playback facilities.

The space boasts air con, and there’s a dedicated backstage area and dressing room with toilet facilities, suitable for up to 5 people at a time. Fast, free wifi is available across the building, and there are further spaces that activities could expand into, for the right proposal – including a Studio space (40 capacity) and a visual exhibition space (40 capacity).

We’re looking for anything from workshops, script-in-hand readings, film festivals, short plays, dance and movement work, cabaret, panel discussions – the brief is wide open to anyone from any background.

More info and to apply

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