Micro Awards

British Council & Unlimited

What can you receive?


17 April 2023

Round five of the British Council and Unlimited Micro Awards, funded by the British Council and administrated by Unlimited.

The aim of these awards is to help facilitate partnership and collaboration between artists and/or collectives in the UK and countries eligible to receive Official Development Assistance (ODA).

In total, micro grants of £2,500 will be awarded to approximately 10 pairs of disabled artists.

Collaborations need to take place between May – July 2023.

Deadline for applications: Monday 17 April, 12 noon.


Who can apply?

In order to be eligible, proposals must adhere to the following criteria:

  • Collaborations must be led by a disabled artist/s or collective based in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales
  • The international collaborator must be a disabled artist/s or collective based in countries in receipt of Official Development Assistance Collaborations must be feasible within the given budget
  • Collaborations must be feasible within the given timescale Artists whose work centres around disability and/or impairment are welcome to apply, as are those whose work does not
  • Which artforms will be considered?
  • These awards can cover a range of different artforms, including
    • Combined arts
    • Visual art
    • Literature
    • Music
    • Theatre
    • Dance
    • Film



Each application can be for up to £2,500.


Find out more and apply


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