Creative Engagement Coordinator

Sherman Theatre

What can you receive?
£23,542 per annum


22 February 2023

Sherman Theatre’s engagement with communities through our sector-leading Creative Engagement programme is at the core of our work. We are looking for a passionate and driven coordinator to join our ambitious team.


Job Description

This role is to plan, coordinate and deliver Creative Engagement projects, recruiting and overseeing practitioners and facilitators as necessary. To oversee the delivery of Sherman Sherbets, Sherman Youth Theatre and Sherman Players sessions. To plan and execute Creative Engagement workshop activity for schools and communities, often related to Sherman Theatre productions. To deliver on the newly updated Creative Engagement Strategy. This role will work closely with colleagues across the wider Sherman team to ensure the delivery of a wide ranging programme of participatory and audience development initiatives.

For a Creative Engagement Coordinator, Sherman Theatre is an energising and highly rewarding place to work. We are looking for a passionate and driven coordinator to join our ambitious team.


Job Requirements

  • A passion for theatre, learning and for engaging new and existing audiences and participants in creative dialogue.
  • Experience of developing and sometimes leading workshop activity for Young People and/or Community members within a theatre company or building.
  • Extensive experience of designing, developing and realising creative projects and fulfilling the role of project manager
  • A broad understanding of current trends within education, youth services and community development.

Job Responsibilities

  • Supporting, and line managing where agreed, freelancers who are engaged to lead Creative Engagement projects and/or run regular participatory sessions.
  • Administering Sherman Youth Theatre, Sherman Sherbets and Sherman Players, providing practical support and guidance for freelance tutors and group leaders.
  • Contributing to project funding proposals, liaising with the Head of Fundraising and Development and the Chief Executive
  • Monitoring and evaluating designated projects, providing written reports as required for internal use and/or external funders.
  • Managing and controlling income and expenditure for all Sherman Theatre Creative Engagement projects, to include production budgets.
  • To ensure that all Creative Engagement activity meets statutory requirements regarding safeguarding and to ensure the systems for monitoring, tracking and following up on safeguarding concerns are rigorously implemented and high quality.

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