DIY Theatre
What can you receive?
£190 per day
10 March 2023
DIY Theatre Company is seeking an organised, efficient project coordinator with a commitment to increasing opportunities for people with learning disabilities within the creative sector.
The successful candidate will project manage our exciting new Leading Edge Programme, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. They will liaise with a range of stakeholders in the cultural and education sectors and enable disabled leaders to access meaningful volunteering and supported employment opportunities in schools, community settings and cultural organisations.
They will play a key role in developing a Community Engagement team, within which DIY leaders will be paid for their leadership work.
This is a part-time, freelance position which will run from April 2023 – April 2024 (funding available to July 2025). Fees are £190 per day for a maximum of 80 days per annum (equivalent to 2 days per week for 40 weeks).
Job Description – DIY Leading Edge Coordinator