Pizza and Pitches

The Albany

What can you receive?


21 February 2023

The Albany are looking for creative ideas, which can take place on or offline and will connect with the people of Lewisham or Southwark, where the Albany is based.

We’re offering £1000 to individuals, community groups, grassroots organisations, artists and companies. Anyone who has a creative idea that they’d like to make happen. It could be a performance, a workshop, an interactive fashion show, a pen-pal project, a phone-poetry recital, a socially distant scavenger hunt, a Whatsapp murder mystery, an exhibition, a talk or discussion, a party, a protest or something else entirely! It just needs to hit these criteria:

  • It should be artistic/creative in some way.
  • It can be for any audience, but should be accessible and free for audiences to engage with (attend, watch, listen).
  • It can be an online ‘digital’ project, an offline ‘live’ project, or a bit of both.
  • It should connect with the local communities of Lewisham and or Southwark.
  • It should connect with our Albany Values

More info and how to apply


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