Trustee Vacancies

ThickSkin Theatre

What can you receive?
This is a voluntary role


3 July 2023

ThickSkin was founded in 2010. Our desire to make theatre accessible and exciting for young people underpins all our work. We draw on a wide range of creative approaches to tell stories in new and inspiring ways. From live stage productions to virtual reality experiences, to immersive audio plays, we make theatre that is rooted in contemporary culture.

We have recently been invited to join Arts Council England’s National Portfolio and have a new base in Wigan as a Resident Company of The Old Courts.

We are seeking to appoint three voluntary Trustees to our Board to support our ambitious plans in the coming years.

We welcome applications from everyone, and particularly encourage applicants who are usually under-represented in the theatre industry. We are looking to compliment the skills and experience of our existing Board members and are keen to hear from individuals with any of the following expertise:

  • Chief Executive / Executive Director experience
  • Executive experience in a producing and touring company
  • Commercial producing experience
  • Artistic / Creative experience
  • Knowledge and experience of arts/charity/community sector in Wigan

It’s also important to us that Trustees embrace our values, so please consider applying if this connects with you:

  • MAKE WAVES – inspire and be inspired
  • FLY HIGH – the sky’s the limit
  • TEAM UP – reach out and collaborate
  • STAY SLICK – make work that shines

Role Requirements

The role is voluntary, with a commitment to attend four Board meetings each year. We are also seeking at least one new trustee to join our Finance sub-Committee, which is an additional four meetings per year. Meetings typically last two hours and take place via video call. We also hold one board ‘away day’ per year (personal travel expenses for non-local trustees are reimbursed). Between meetings we may ask for attendance at events, advocacy and ad hoc support. Appointments are for an initial term of three years, with the option of an additional three years.

How to Apply

Please send a CV and a cover letter setting out the skills, experience and networks you could bring to the role, plus why you would like to become a ThickSkin Trustee. Please also complete the equal opportunities form here.

The deadline for all applications is 10am on Monday 3 July 2023. Applications should be sent to with the heading Trustee Application.

Got an opportunity?